I found this delicious "Turrón de Crema Catalana" an Spanish Specialty which we love, I dicided to do something about the last two packages I had so here´s the recipe and how-to, I hope you like it, my family loved it, in fact they´re very nice and almost always like what I do ha ha ha, its a fun way to make something out of delicious treats and left overs we enjoy during Christmas Season
First you have to find this Turrón, there are other brands, you can always use "Turrón de yema" too
it looks like this when you open it
you cut it in sticks wide or narrow ,that depends on how you like them
Prepare a chocolate ganache, I did a small portion, 100grs of semi-sweet chocolate and 3 Tbsp of whole milk, you heat the milk and add the chocolate in pieces, you integrate both with a spoon and the ganache is ready! you can always add( butter, 1/2 a tsp. and rum 1Tbsp, instead of 2 Tbsp. of milk)
cover half the sticks with the chocolate ganache
I also had some leftover chocolates, so I cut them in small pieces, you can also use walnuts, almonds, pistachios or dried fruits
and you sprinkle some chocolate pieces over the chocolate ganache and arrange them over some lined paper so when the chocolate sets you can put them somewhere else