jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Valentine´s Day Jell-O

As you know I love jell-o its something about the freshnes and texture but mainly about creativity that I´m just always in the mood to make a different one.
Valentine´s day is coming, so nothing better than creating a jell-o just for this special day

You have to make two preparations:
*milk Jello (done after the water jello is set)
*water Jello (done first)

4 cups of water
300 grs. sugar (a little over 1 cup)
27 grs. unflavored jell-o
1 extra cup of water
1 gr. citric acid
2 tbsp raspberry flavoring
2 or 3 drops red food color
depending on the flavor.
*you can always use a store-bought box of  Jell-o and follow the instructions

4 cups of milk
300 grs. sugar ( a little over 1 cup)
27 grs. unflavored jell-o
2 Tbsp of vanilla flavoring( you can use almond too)
1 extra cup of milk

**IF You don't have citric acid, don't worry, the jell-o comes out the same, the only difference it will come out sweeter.

Mix the unflavored gelatin with the extra cup of water, let it stand.
In a saucepan heat the 4 cups of water with the sugar, when it starts boiling add the unflavored gelatine and move till it dissolves perfectly in the water.
take it away from the stove and let stand for 10 minutes.
Add the citric acid, and the flavoring.
Put this jell-o in one rectangular or square mold, whatever form is allright. this mold has to be greased with a little oil, just some drops, this way it you can unmold it better.
When Jell-o is set you take it out of the fridge and with a heart shaped cookie cutter you cut the jell-o in as many hearts you like.
You will have some jell-o left overs, you put them in a small bowl for some seconds in the microwave and it will become our "glue" so you can put some drops of this glue in each heart and paste them in a lager mold, a round one is all right.
This action is done so that the hearts remain glued to the mold when the milk jello is poured on top.

Do the same steps.
Mix the unflavored jell-o with the extra cup of milk, set aside.
Heat the rest of the milk with the sugar.
Add the unflavored gelatin mixture to the almost boiling milk
mix perfectly, take away from stove.
Let stand for 10 minutes.
Add vanilla or almond flavoring (vanilla can add a little color and almond won't)

Let the milk jell-o cool down and then when it is warm you add it to the mold, this also has to be greased with some drops of oil.
Let the mik jell-o stand.
This is better if done one day ahead, so that both jell-o´s turn firm.
Then you can unmold the Jell-o
**the oil I use is normal cooking oil, just a few drops to unmold better.


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